Sunday 29 March 2020

Facebook is testing uploading Stories to Instagram

How can uploading Stories from Facebook to Instagram be useful to users?
Facebook and Instagram are connected not only by one company, but also by the fact that we can handle many functions at once from two applications. An example would be uploading Stories from Instagram to Facebook. Will it soon be possible the other way round?
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From Instagram to Facebook

We can successfully send our account on Stories from Instagram to Facebook . According to many, the meaning facilitates quick communication on two social networking sites. And although it seems strange, until now it was not possible to do it the other way, i.e. from Facebook to Instagram. As a result, it was in Stories on this second site that more traffic was recorded . Therefore, it was decided to introduce this possibility and tests are currently underway to check its operation. Irreplaceable Jane Manchun Wong recently announced on her Twitter:

Is this necessary?

I must admit that on the one hand the lack of this option is surprising. On the other hand, it seems that users will still decide to send Stories from Instagram , as it is a much more popular medium among young people. There is also no secret to the difference in the types of posts on websites. Facebook is a place where next to the photos there is also a lot of articles and information content in the form of short posts. Instagram, however, focuses mainly on visual content , or buy instagram followers UK is the text is posted below it and it is here that Stories seems to be more relevant. Will this feature increase your engagement in Facebook Stories? We don't think so, but we'll see!